The loudspeakers have four settings that are suitable for different positions. They are operated with four buttons on the back, Desk, Stand, Wall and Free Space. They affect the balance of the sound, so you won’t get excessive bass if the loudspeakers are against the wall next to the TV.
The app allows you to make multiple changes. Like adjusting the treble level, phase or bass range. It can be set to more or less deep bass, in addition to standard. If you plug in a sub-woofer, you can set the splitting frequency between the sub and loudspeakers in the app.
Sound quality
There are plenty of ways you can get the optimal sound from these small loudspeakers. When everything is set up, you can expect to be truly blown away.
They play amazingly and delivers a warm, rich soundscape with the more deep bass than most people are used to from small speakers. The advanced percussion that drives the songs on Tinariwen’s new album, Tiwàyyen, pounds away on the parquet floor without it sounding messy or undefined. The guitars appear crystal clear in the large soundscape, and the dynamic contrast is impeccable.
The air is lacking in the treble on Renée Fleming’s collection of opera, but it does help to slightly crank up the treble in the app. It also includes the timbre of the string instruments, which I got to sound clearer in the mid-tones when the treble was increased slightly. It also helped in Hannah Reid’s vocals in London Grammar. The new single Rooting For You gave me instant goosebumps from the neck down, and the piano tones sounded like shining pearls in the background. Truly stunning.
You quickly forget the loudspeakers, and you can easily get swept away with the music in a different way than usual. Mind you, this is with wireless speakers.
KEF’s strength lies in a highly well-balanced design, with thoughtful solutions, resulting in a remarkably successful soundscape without hidden hindrance. They have a beautiful focus without it sounding too sharp, the bass has total control without being exaggerated, and the sound is warm and rich without sounding woolen.
If you want to get wireless streaming and even better sound, two Devialet Phantom speakers is the answer, but the price will be significantly higher.
The best for now
The wireless edition of KEF LS50 is really better than the original. Admittedly, it costs twice as much, but it is worth it because it is easier to get it to play optimally, and then it sounds better than the wired edition from 2013. I can’t think of any better wireless speakers for most people. Not for those who have above average interest in music anyway, and who won’t flinch at the price tag.