Crestron AirMedia® Receiver AM‑3100‑WF

帶有 Wi-Fi® 網絡連接功能的 AirMedia® 接收器 3100

AirMedia® 接收器 3100 (AM-3100-WF) 可在現代的數字工作空間中實現安全的無線協作。安裝簡單易用,可在會議室、小型會議室、休息室、大廳或幾乎任何空間中部署接收器,以建立高效的會議環境。

AirMedia® Receiver 3100 with Wi‑Fi® Network Connectivity

The AM-3100-WF AirMedia® Receiver facilitates secure wireless collaboration in the contemporary digital workplace, providing a hassle-free installation and management process. It is the perfect solution for meeting rooms, huddle rooms, lounges, lobbies, and other spaces where productive meetings can be established.


Crestron AirMedia® 接收器 AM-3100-WF

AM-3100-WF AirMedia® 接收器可在現代數字化工作空間中實現安全的無線協作。安裝和管理流程無縫,可輕鬆部署於會議室、小型會議室、休息室、大堂以及任何適合促進生產性會議的空間中。


接收器可以放置在顯示器下方、旁邊或隱藏在背後,實現具有無線協作功能的智能會議室。它具有 AirMedia 無線演示功能,HDMI® 輸出(高達 4K)至顯示器,以及各種 USB 介面用於無線會議。只需將筆記本電腦、智能手機、平板電腦、AirMedia 連接器或其他類型的信源連接,即可立即在顯示器上呈現信源圖像。

AirMedia 無線演示

AirMedia 技術使用內置 Wi‑Fi® 網絡功能或外部 Wi‑Fi® 無線網絡,用戶可以從筆記本電腦、智能手機和平板電腦等設備無線演示內容。使用可下載的客戶端軟件、Google Chrome™ 瀏覽器的 AirMedia 擴展功能或 Miracast® 屏幕鏡像技術(僅適用於 Windows® 10 電腦)演示來自桌面或筆記本電腦的內容。使用 AirMedia 應用程序演示 Android™ 和 iOS® 移動設備的內容。


使用 AirMedia Canvas 功能,最多可同時演示四個來源。為了最大限度地覆蓋屏幕,AirMedia Canvas 根據活動演示者的數量、信源類型和其長寬比自動配置最佳佈局。使用 AirMedia 應用程序或連接的觸摸屏(另售)管理來源和它們在顯示器上的位置。


無線會議提供高級協作體驗,可從幾乎任何設備進行視頻通話。2 AirMedia 應用程序提供無線訪問一系列連接的會議周邊設備,例如音效棒、攝像頭或揚聲器電話。這些周邊設備將立即在用戶的筆記本電腦上提供,以便在 Microsoft Teams® 軟件或 Zoom™ 軟件中使用。


當沒有信源連接時,AM-3100-WF 會在房間顯示器上顯示可自定義的歡迎屏幕,並提供簡單的連接和演示說明。與 Microsoft Exchange Server®(適用於 Outlook® 和 Microsoft 365® 軟件用戶)、Google Calendar™ 或 Crestron Fusion® 房間預定軟件集成,可以在屏幕上顯示空間的可用性和會議詳細信息。隨著會議的進行,定期顯示通知以指示會議剩餘時間和下一個預定事件。在緊急情況或發送重要公告時,可能會出現來自 Crestron Fusion 的彈出消息。


通過添加 7 英寸或 10 英寸的 Crestron® TS 或 TSW 70 系列觸摸屏,啟用對 AM-3100-WF 的手動控制。觸摸屏提供了房間時間表和會議詳細信息的額外視圖,以及用於輸入源選擇、顯示器開關、顯示器音量和靜音的控件。添加 Power over Ethernet 佔用傳感器(CEN‑ODT‑C‑POE)以根據房間佔用或空置來控制顯示器或數字標牌的開關。

XiO Cloud® 配置與管理服務

AM-3100-WF 相容於 XiO Cloud 服務,讓安裝人員和 IT 管理員輕鬆部署和管理數千個裝置。XiO Cloud 服務可提供系統警示、網路管理和配置配接。



Crestron Fusion 房間監控

透過Crestron Fusion企業管理服務,演示空間可以被管理和中央監控。透過添加可選的佔用傳感器(CEN-ODT-C-POE),AM-3100-WF可以報告和記錄人們進入空間的時間,並相應地打開和關閉顯示器,並將未使用的空間供新預定使用。Crestron Fusion軟件支持房間排程,並可與多種第三方日曆應用程式集成。即時警報通知幫助台快速解決任何問題,並最大化正常運行時間和工作流程。


AirMedia演示系統是一種企業級解決方案,可以在數百個空間中部署,僅需要使用網頁瀏覽器、Crestron Fusion或XiO Cloud軟件進行簡單設置。 AM-3100-WF採用標準的網絡安全協議,例如802.1x網絡訪問控制、Active Directory®身份驗證和AES內容加密,以保護隱私並確保符合組織的IT政策。


作為基於軟件的AirMedia無線演示的替代方案,AM-3100-WF相容於AirMedia Connect轉接器(AM-TX3-100)。只需將轉接器插入個人設備的USB-C®端口即可連接到AM-3100-WF。轉接器使用內置的Wi-Fi網絡功能與系統進行無線通訊,以顯示高達4K30分辨率的內容。在演示期間,內容會按照所選的HDMI輸出分辨率進行縮放。


  • 完整的房間解決方案可實現從筆記本電腦、智能手機、平板電腦和AirMedia Connect轉接器進行安全的無線AirMedia演示
  • 通過智能顯示控制、個人設備控制、佔用檢測和整合到更廣泛的連接生態系統中,實現智能自動化
  • 企業級安全性和內容加密保護隱私,確保符合IT政策
  • 支持XiO Cloud®服務,實現遠程配置和管理
  • 與Appspace®數字標牌軟件平台集成,實現內容顯示
  • 支持使用AirMedia Canvas進行多用戶協作的四個同時源的內容共享
  • 無線會議和演示,可實現與房內和遠程參與者的協作



Crestron AirMedia® Receiver AM‑3100‑WF

The AM-3100-WF AirMedia® Receiver allows for safe wireless collaboration within the context of contemporary digital workspaces. With a seamless installation and management process, it can be easily deployed in conference rooms, huddle rooms, lounges, lobbies, and virtually any suitable space that promotes productive meetings.

Connect and Present

To establish a smart room with wireless collaboration, the Receiver can be positioned underneath, beside, or discreetly behind a display. It comes equipped with AirMedia wireless presentation functionality, an HDMI® output that supports display resolutions up to 4K, and multiple USB interfaces for wireless conferencing. Whether it’s a laptop, smartphone, tablet, AirMedia Connect adapter, or other type of source, connecting it instantly displays the source image on the screen.

AirMedia Wireless Presentation

With AirMedia technology, users have the ability to wirelessly present content from their laptops, smartphones, and tablets using either the built-in Wi‑Fi® network capabilities or through an external Wi‑Fi® wireless network. To present content from desktop or laptop computers, users can choose to download the client software, use the AirMedia extension for the Google Chrome™ web browser, or leverage Miracast® screen mirroring technology (which is only compatible with Windows® 10 computers). For presenting content from Android™ and iOS® mobile devices, users can utilize the AirMedia app.

Multi-Source Presentation

With the AirMedia Canvas feature, multiple sources, up to a maximum of four, can be displayed simultaneously. This feature automatically determines the most optimal layout based on the number of active presenters, source types, and their respective aspect ratios to ensure maximum screen coverage. To manage the sources and their positions on the display, either the AirMedia app or a connected touch screen (which is sold separately) can be used.

Wireless Conferencing

Wireless conferencing elevates the collaboration experience by enabling video calls from a wide range of devices. The AirMedia application offers wireless connectivity to a variety of conferencing peripherals, such as soundbars, cameras, and speakerphones, providing users with a premium conferencing experience. These peripherals can be easily accessed from the user’s laptop and utilized in conjunction with popular software such as Microsoft Teams® and Zoom™.

Enhanced Onscreen Experience

When there is no source connected, the AM-3100-WF can display a customized welcome screen on the room display that provides simple instructions for connecting and presenting. By integrating with Microsoft Exchange Server® (for users of Outlook® and Microsoft 365® software), Google Calendar™, or Crestron Fusion® room scheduling software, the availability of the space and details of the upcoming meeting can be displayed on the screen. During the meeting, notifications will periodically appear to indicate the remaining time and the schedule of the next event. In the event of an emergency or for important announcements, pop-up messages sent from Crestron Fusion may also appear.

Add-on Control Options

To enable manual control of the AM-3100-WF, a 7-inch or 10-inch Crestron® TS- or TSW- 70 series touch screen can be added. This touch screen provides users with an additional view of the room schedule and meeting details, as well as controls for selecting input sources, powering the display on or off, adjusting display volume, and muting. Furthermore, by adding a Power over Ethernet occupancy sensor (CEN-ODT-C-POE), the display or digital signage can be controlled to power on or off based on room occupancy.

XiO Cloud® Provisioning and Management Service

The AM-3100-WF is fully compatible with the XiO Cloud service, which provides IT managers and installers with an efficient way to deploy and manage large numbers of devices. Through the XiO Cloud service, network management and provisioning can be conducted, and system alerts can be received, allowing for easier management of thousands of devices.

Native Appspace Functionality

By integrating the Appspace digital signage application with the AM-3100-WF, the display can present content from an Appspace digital signage channel whenever there is no ongoing presentation or when the room is unoccupied. This integration enhances the versatility of the AM-3100-WF by allowing it to double as a digital signage display.

Crestron Fusion Room Monitoring

The Crestron Fusion enterprise management service enables the centralized management and monitoring of presentation spaces. The AM-3100-WF can be integrated with the Crestron Fusion service, allowing users to manage and monitor the display from a central location. With the optional CEN-ODT-C-POE occupancy sensor, the AM-3100-WF can detect the presence of people in the space, automatically turning the display on and off as needed, and making unused spaces available for new bookings. Crestron Fusion software supports room scheduling and can integrate with a variety of third-party calendaring applications. The service also provides instant alerts to the help desk, facilitating rapid problem resolution and maximizing uptime and workflow.

Enterprise-Grade Security

The AirMedia Presentation System is a highly scalable enterprise-grade solution that can be easily deployed across hundreds of spaces using a web browser, Crestron Fusion, or XiO Cloud software. The system is equipped with standard network security protocols, including 802.1x network access control, Active Directory® authentication, and AES content encryption, ensuring compliance with your organization’s IT policies and protecting privacy.

Hybrid Wireless Connectivity with the AirMedia Adaptor

In addition to the software-based AirMedia wireless presentation, the AM-3100-WF is compatible with the AirMedia Connect Adaptor (AM-TX3-100) as an alternative. To connect to the AM-3100-WF, simply plug the adaptor into a personal device’s USB-C® port. The adaptor uses built-in Wi-Fi network capabilities to communicate wirelessly with the system, enabling content to be displayed up to a 4K30 resolution. During presentations, the content is scaled to the selected HDMI output resolution.

Key Features

  • Complete room solution enables secure wireless AirMedia® presentation from laptops, smartphones, tablet devices, and AirMedia Connect Adapters
  • Enables smart automation via intelligent display control, personal device control, occupancy detection, and integration into a broader connected ecosystem
  • Enterprise-grade security and content encryption protects privacy and ensures compliance with IT policies
  • XiO Cloud® service support for remote provisioning and management
  • Integrates with Appspace® digital signage software platform for content display
  • Supports content sharing of four simultaneous sources for multi-user collaboration with AirMedia Canvas.
  • Wireless conferencing and presentation allows for collaboration with in-room and remote participants

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