Bose Work解決方案將Bose的簡樸和清晰元素帶入會議和整合通信中。如今,工作場所無處不在:辦公室、家裡、車上和咖啡店都可以成為您的辦工地方。因此,無論人們在同一個地方還是分別在地球上的哪個地方,我們都有令到會議過程變得更好的解決方案。
我們的產品與現有平台無縫接軌,為普及的第三方雲端服務帶來增強的視像和音頻性能。使用Bose Videobar VB1等多合一解決方案簡化擁擠的空間。通過Bose降噪耳機700 UC等台式和移動會議產品,使遠端的工作伙伴感到更緊密的聯繫。使用Bose ControlSpace Designer軟件、EdgeMax揚聲器和ControlSpace EX處理器等產品,使設計完全融合高性能系統,打造最嚴格的房間。 Bose Work解決方案可幫助團隊更有效地合作溝通,超越了「足夠好」的音頻和視像性能,使互動更加自然,人們可以聽到更多,看到更多,了解更多—並且工作做得更好。
Deliver consistent, premium performance across a range of solutions to make interactions more natural, make meetings more productive, and help everyone feel more connected and engaged
Offer a simplified conferencing experience with products that are easier to operate, require less troubleshooting, and reliably facilitate clear communication
Simplify huddle spaces with all-in-one solutions like the Bose Videobar VB1, a premium conferencing device perfect for huddle areas and small meeting rooms
Help remote workers feel more engaged with desktop and mobile conferencing products like Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 UC that make working in open office spaces productive and enjoyable, switching easily between conversation, voice/video calls, and music
Design fully integrated meeting rooms using products like ControlSpace EX processors, ControlSpace EX Dante endpoints, EdgeMax loudspeakers, and ControlSpace Designer software
Bring clarity and intelligibility to large meeting rooms with best-in-class echo cancelling and innovative loudspeakers, so remote meeting participants can hear and understand better
Integrate with popular unified communications platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, and more to offer enhanced video and audio performance
Build trust with end-users by offering easy-to-operate conferencing solutions from a globally respected audio company that they already know and recognize as a premium brand
Huddle up and get more done.
Introducing Bose Videobar VB1

From huddle spaces to medium-sized rooms, the Bose Videobar VB1 is an all-in-one USB conferencing device that brings premium audio and video to meetings. With six automatic beam-steering microphones, a 4K ultra-HD camera, and proprietary Bose sound, the Bose Videobar VB1 helps you huddle up and get more done.
Collaborate with Confidence
Introducing Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 UC

Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 UC equip you to collaborate with confidence anywhere. An adaptive microphone system isolates your voice. Instantly adjustable noise cancellation lets you personalize what you hear from your surrounding environment. And the included Bose USB Link Bluetooth® module provides a reliable wireless connection — all so you can work better, wherever.
A scalable platform for reliable conferencing systems

Clear the table for better collaboration.
The Bose ES1 Ceiling Audio Solution is a complete conferencing system for fully integrated meeting rooms, combining the premium performance of the Bose EdgeMax in-ceiling loudspeaker and Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling 2 microphone — along with a Bose amplifier and DSP — to deliver a seamless meeting experience that empowers productivity.

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