投影機安裝工程 | Projector Installation

As professional on projector installation, we consider all aspects for a commercial use, such as the ambient lighting, display size and the type of projector that is the most suitable solution for your company.

Projector Installation


WiseAV Solution為保險業龍頭公司安裝邊緣融合投影機。客戶在尖沙咀某商場開設體驗中心,當中需要於接待處的安裝兩部投影機並將各類型的多媒體資料,包括圖像和視頻等展示於弧形牆身上。


1881 Heritage設備升級工程

前水警總部「1881」搖身一變成為香港文化旅遊及購物消閒的新地標。 我們為這座具有130年曆史的古蹟安裝了投影儀,而投影機支架具有特殊設計,可避免對古蹟造成任何損壞。


Samsung SMART Signage Videowall

LG Digital Signage Video Wall

Projector Display Wall

LED Display Wall

Professional LED Monitor

Professional LED Monitor

LCD Video Wall


辦公時間: 9:30am-18:00pm

服務熱線: +852 3579 8586

電郵: info@avsolution.hk